No Green Thumb Required


Everyone knows bringing a little bit of the outside into your home can be a wonderful thing, though staring at a wilted plant that has seem better days is certainly not good for the soul. That’s why there are plants out there that are almost impossibe to kill. They let you bring a little bit of green into your home with minimal effort, perfect for those that may forget to water their plants more than once a week. Here are 4 plants for the not so green thumb:

1. Succulents: While they do require special soil made out of a mixture similar to potting soil and gravel made specifically for succulents, these plants require almost no care at all. Simply place them in a spot that gets decent sunlight and water once a month or whenever the soil starts to feel dry.

2. Jade Plant: Similar to succulents, these plants do best in a terra cotta pot in moderate sunlight. Water them every couple weeks or when the soil starts to dry out, but even if you can’t manage to remember every few weeks, this plant can bounce back easily from neglect.

3. Bamboo: Looking for some good luck in addition to bringing a plant into the home? Bamboo is the perfect solution. You don’t even need soil, bamboo thrives in a glass vase with just water and rocks. Plus, this makes a great design element whether it’s on a desk or mounted on a wall.

4. Chinese Evergreen: Another plant that only need to be watered when its soil is dry every week or two. This plant does best in indirect, low sunlight and it’s great for clearing the air of toxins. Chinese Evergreen is also a fabulous addition to any interior where you need a leafy, tropical looking something.

Regardless of whether you’ve been gardening for years or can’t seem to keep a plant alive for more than a couple days, everyone should have a little bit of green in their home to serve as a wonderful mood booster that helps improve air quality while enhancing your home esthetic.


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