Communicating Abroad

Communicating Abroad

One of my younger sisters just graduated from college and is currently living and working in Spain. Last summer, she studied abroad in Italy and while I never did study or work abroad myself, I get to reap the benefits by visiting her in such beautiful and fascinating places each year. I’m already counting down the days until our next European adventure!

Not only am I super proud of her (FULL DISCLOSURE: my sister is my role model and I love to brag about her) but I am also amazed at how much we are still able to communicate easily while she’s living there.

In fact, I have an entire “folder” on my IPhone dedicated to her and her Spanish conquest with all the essentials apps.

Below are some of my favorite ways to stay in touch.

1. {} – This app is what we use most by far. It’s just like texting and we can constantly chat on here. The funniest part is waking up and seeing what message I have from her at 4am EST, when she’s out and about for the day and I’m still fast asleep. Nonetheless, it works great!

2. {Viber} – We use this to talk via phone without being charged. It has its quirks but we’re able to hear each other, talk like normal and not worry about a high phone bill.

3. {Skype} – This should come as no surprise. While one of us isn’t always free to do this, it’s nice to know this easy option is there. Although, I don’t know about you but I’m never a fan of how I look on these video messaging chats.

4. {Gchat/Email} – This is a given and a great way to write longer messages, stories and send funny links and articles just like we’re both stateside.

5. {International Calls} – My sister bought a Spanish cell phone so we’re able to have real phone conversations as well, although use these less frequently than Viber.

6. {} – Last but certainly not least, obviously we stalk one another on Facebook. Yes, I’m that obnoxious older sister that “likes” every single Spain photo she uploads and writes on her timeline weekly. But in all seriousness, we can keep up to date with each other’s lives by viewing photos, statuses and “liking” every single thing.

So while I’m a little selfish and wish my sister would just get home already, this is how we stay in touch while she’s miles away. Have you ever studied or lived abroad? How did you stay in touch with your loved ones? Let me know!


familykeeping in touchLong Distance
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1 Comment

  • Reply November 12, 2012


    This post is literally my life. I just graduated college and am living abroad in Asia. For communicating back home I am a huge fan of Skype (even without the video part) as well as using my Asian cell phone for a few texts now and then. Sometimes it’s worth the crazy expensive text costs in order to commuicate fast and in what feels like a personal, normal way. Also, as the one living abroad I must say I LOVE gettign care packages. It makes me feel super connected to America.