

How to Find What You Want on Etsy

If you’ve ever visited the Etsy website, you know that it’s a wonderful world of handmade, creative goodness. From jewelry, to clothing, to tech…


Thrifters keepers

When I found my first, fresh pair of vintage Ferragamos, my reaction went a little something like this: My heart dropped to the floor…


H&M Will Make Dreams Come True This August

It’s true! It’s really, really true! In case you haven’t heard the fabulous news, H&M has officially announced that they will be offering online…


The Art of Thrifting

Image via Old Town Boutique District Ever since I can remember, I have loved the art of “thrifting.”  In high school, my best friend, Anna,…


Fair Trade Summer Fun

{TOMS • Organix Sea Salt Spray • Starbucks •  FAIR. Quinoa Vodka} Maybe you’ve heard buzz words like “fair trade” or “sustainability” regarding various products, like…