pop culture

{Image via FlavorWire}

‘Game of Thrones’ reminds Comic Con: The North Remembers

It’s not really news that HBO’s Game of Thrones is one of the best shows ever. But at Comic Con they really upped their cool…

{Image via DigitalTrends.com}

When Internet became the new TV

Each night before my boyfriend and I go to bed, we have to watch an episode or two of the Netflix’s original Orange is…

Moon Day

Fly Me to the Moon: Celebrate the First Lunar Landing

On July 20, 1969 – 44 years ago today – Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin became the first to walk on the Moon. Around the world,…

celebrity names

What’s In a Name?

Apple, Coco, Pilot Inspector, Denim….a few of the well known, crazy celebrity baby names.   As a culture, we have fully embraced the fact…


#Sharknado: A look back

There are two types of people in this world: those who watch Shark Week and those who are scared of seaweed.  For those of…

Photo from Molsequizzen.be

We want you, Jane!

No, that wasn’t some bad joke reminiscent of your American History class. And yes, you should keep reading even if your name isn’t actually…

{Image via The Washington Post}

Carrie Bradshaw’s got a new gig

The woman who taught us to prioritize our footwear over our bank accounts is finally getting into the shoe biz. And how fitting that she’s…

Photo from GQ

6 actors you may not know but are sure to make your ovaries explode

I present to you, the heartthrobs: My favorite actors at the moment who just aren’t getting enough attention. They may not be the classically…