Lemon Love


      #LemonLove Cupcakes

      During the spring and summer, my mom and I always talk about making the same cake for events and birthdays. My mom came across…


      LilaMae, Going Green and Going American

      LilaMae is a company that is going green and going American. What more could you ask for? A start-up with big dreams and a…


      Social Media Round-Up

      Your responses to our new look have been completely overwhelming! Here are few tweets that tickled us pink. Keep up the #LemonLove, and maybe…

      Fornash Giveaway

      Fornash Giveaway

      One of the coolest things about Sweet Lemon are all of the great companies we get to know. Brand director of Sweet Lemon, Brittney…

      To email

      Tackling Email Chaos

      When I was in college I loved getting email. Maybe it was because for the first time people other than Amazon and my great-uncle…

      A Year of Sweet Lemon

      A Year of Sweet Lemon

      It’s been a very exciting year for Sweet Lemon Magazine, and I couldn’t be happier to be a part of it. I think I…

      A Very Lemon Gift Guide

      A Very Lemon Gift Guide

      cable sweater // arch support shoes // earrings // phone case // gloves // body shop // lotion // body cleanser // manicure tool // candle // artificial lemon // post card // fine art  If it’s the most wonderful time of the year (or almost), it’s also…