
      {Photo via Ball Of Fire Consulting}

      The power of ‘thank you’

      Two simple words that can take you far in life: “Thank you.” Don’t underestimate their power. In a blog post titled “Why You Will Never Get…

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      Tweet Your Way to a Career?

      Social media is a central part of modern communication across the board without a doubt, but integrating this tool into a job search can…

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      Need a job? Get in line.

      Mae Badiyan understands what it means to be an intern –  and it isn’t always glamorous. But working hard at your internship, even in…


      My Career Mentor Says – Part 2

      Last week, we discussed the importance of discovering your career objectives while on the job hunt. Once we’ve determined what we like to do, it’s important to…


      My Career Mentor Says – Part 1

      Job hunting is a process that is always evolving. Currently, we live in a culture of highly educated young professionals with little work experience…

      Motivational Quote

      Add and Subtract

      Thanks to Hurricane Sandy, my apartment was without electricity, cable, Internet, and hot water during the week of Halloween. Lower Manhattan was a total…