Sweet Lemon Exclusive: “Girl Most Likely” with your favorite bridesmaid- Kristen Wiig


Image courtesy of The Numbers

If there’s one thing we love- it’s girl power. And Kristen Wiig has that going on in a big way. Writer, producer, and downright hilarious chick, Wiig is back on the big screen in the summer comedy, “Girl Most Likely”. Last night I was able to get a sneak peek of this quirky new movie and I have to say, it left me pleasantly surprised.

Starting things out in the Big Apple, Wiig appears to possess it all. She’s got the handsome boyfriend, a job that pays the rent in NYC (that’s a dream enough!) and is just waiting for that elusive engagement ring.  In a string of unusual events (including staging a fake suicide) Wiig’s character, Imogene, loses it all.

Sent to be in the care of her impulsive and eccentric mother, played by Annette Benning, Imogene discovers the life she left behind in Atlantic City is just as she remembered it. We watch as she coos over her reclusive younger brother, avoids her mom’s “government operative” deadbeat boyfriend, and flirts with the idea of a May- December romance with her family’s tenant, played by the darling Darren Criss.

While Kristen Wiig is her typical self- deprecating, hilarious self there were a lot of components and plot lines to keep up with. Saving any scene that seemed to be lagging was Imogene’s homebody brother played by Christopher Fitzgerald. While most actors playing the gross, nerdy man living in mom’s basement can seem trite, Fitzgerald pulled off such an endearing, relatable comedy act, I’d pay to see a movie staring him.

When the final credits roll, you feel good, you laughed, you got a couple new funny lines to add to your repertoire, and you love Kristen Wiig just a little more. And just when you think you didn’t have any room left in your heart.

“Girl Most Likely” comes out in theaters THIS Friday nationwide. Let us know what you think on and . And be sure to check out our tenth issue of Sweet Lemon where we included this flick with other great summer finds to keep you entertained.


annette benningComedydarren crissfilmsKristen Wiigmatt dillonMovies
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