Cute Puppy Photos Giving Shelter Animals A Second Chance At Adoption

Recognize these photos?

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Seth Casteel, award-winning photographer and the New York Times Best Selling Author of Underwater Dogs, has made a name for himself photographing man’s best friend. Whether diving into a pool or simply “smiling” for the camera, his incredible shots capture each dog’s unique personality. Besides picturing pups, you can find him snapping away at cats, pets and their owners, and even wild life and nature. His obvious gift of bringing out the best in our pets has even landed him an appearance of the popular show Duck Dynasty.

Besides getting to meet the Duck Dynasty family and being able to spend his day with adorable animals, one of his greatest accomplishments is with out a doubt the creation of Second Chance Photos. Since 2007 Seth has been volunteering at animal shelters around the world, taking professional photographs of the animals there.

“When a dog or cat arrives at an animal shelter, it often is scared, dirty and disoriented. As part of the intake process, the animal has their photo taken, and this photo is ultimately the face that people see when looking to potentially adopt a pet. An inaccurate headshot can hurt its chances of adoption, but an uplifting, hopeful portrait can save its life.” –


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Seth uses his passion for animals and his professional knowledge of photography to capture the true spirit of a homeless pet. By creating a happy, uplifting shot, there is a higher chance for a person who is looking to rescue to feel a connection with the animal, creating a greater chance for adoption! Instead of browsing a page of scared and confused (and frankly depressing) animals, images appear of dogs and cats that are happy and playful. Instead of being overcome with heartache, a person can actually envision an animal as the next addition to their family.

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Taking a beautiful picture of every animal is an impossible task for one person. To ensure that as many shelter animals as possible get the representation they deserve, Seth and Second Chance Photos partner with the Greater Good, The Animal Rescue Site, and The Petfinder Foundation to inspire others to save lives through photography! You don’t have to be a professional photographer to make a difference. If you are passionate about animals and making a difference, and know how to work a camera, you can volunteer at your local animal shelter! To find out more about how to help please visit to sign up for a workshop in your area!

By Emma Fried

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