Let’s Make a Change.. To the Way We Shop

It’s the start of April, and right about now is usually when we start to lose any sight of those things we promised ourselves we’d change in the New Year. We’ve fallen back into the habit, hustle and bustle of our pre-resolution lives. Sound familiar? Well, this year you don’t have to give up so easily. After all, what each of us is looking for in those New Year’s Resolutions is self-development – we want, in some self-determined way, to make ourselves better than we are at the present. But it’s all about the baby steps, people. Slowly, over time, use your interests, hobbies, etc. to train yourself into healthier, more positive routines and actions.

Here are a couple people who are doing just this: Aubrey and Hanna met at the College of Charleston, and one year post-grad decided to partner together to bring to life their dream of combining two passions, fashion and philanthropy, into an effort to affect worldwide change. The duo started Philanshopit with the goal of “revolutionizing the way people shop” by “mainstreaming…social impact [to make it] a part of the average shopping experience.”

{Image via Philanshopit}

{Image via Philanshopit}

Philanshopit has allied with fourteen US non-profit partners, each of whom provides locally-manufactured and -crafted merchandise from across the world, in order to offer US consumers “a collection that is socially responsible, but also fashionable.” There’s no catch here — Aubrey and Hanna fully deliver on their promise, and every piece in the Philanshopit collection is downright adorable.

Some of our favorites? The Angela & Roi bags donate a portion of their profits to a cause of your choice, depending on the color bag you purchase. Red – HIV/AIDS, Black – Melanoma, Green – Anxiety & Depression, White – Lung Cancer, and the list goes on. Lily & Laura bracelets provide opportunities for local women artisans of Nepal to work as stable, self-employed individuals. These women are able to create their own hours, work among family and friends, and earn fair wages, as opposed to the average rate of 15 cents per hour for females in Nepal.

Currently, Philanshopit functions within a grassroots market, but judging by the extent of its growth since launch in October 2013, it is sure to be a major force in the merchandising space in the near future. And we. Are. Pumped.

Aubrey and Hanna are fantastic examples for us all—there’s no question there. But this is also an opportunity for us, as consumers, to consciously contribute to a greater movement toward the self-empowerment of individuals worldwide. This is one simple way for each of us to make a difference.

So, the take-away here? Shop, look cute, do good. It’s that easy, and no, it isn’t too good to be true. Trust us.

For the full list of merchandise and partner stories, visit the Philanshopit website at http://www.philanshopit.com. Also, don’t forget to check out their social pages, links below!

Instagram – @Philanshopit

Pinterest – http://www.pinterest.com/philanshopit/

Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/pages/Philanshopit/606016509459373

Twitter – @Philanshopit

By Laura Burke

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