Über Cool, Über Cab

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Last week sitting amongst my friends in DC, I mentioned, “Does anyone actually use Uber?” The taxi app had a lot of press, but the funny name was a bit of a turnoff. Needless to say, they were shocked and appalled. A week later, I must admit – I have drunk the Kool Aid, and it was delicious.

Meet Uber – an application launched in 2010, actively making city-dwellers happier ever since. I was just introduced to Über last week when I downloaded the app, fueled by peer pressure and late-night Metro horror stories. Plus, living in a mostly residential neighborhood of DC, I am sick of calling cab companies that never respond.

There is something a little scary about trying out a new mode of transportation. Not being a tech wizard, I can assuredly say that anyone can use this. Here is a quick and dirty guide to using the app for anything from airports to happy hours.

Let us begin:

1.  You put your credit card information into the app when you register. From there, Uber simply charges your card every time you take a cab.

2.  Using GPS navigation, the Uber app finds your location and shows you the taxi, black cars (read: Lincoln navigators) and black SUVs (Read: Jay Z style) in your area. You request any of the above and are told approximately how far away the cars are. Then, Uber provides you with a picture of the driver, their name and how much longer until he or she can reach you.

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3.  Get in the car, see your lovely driver and away you go! Then, when you get out of the car, don’t take any cash out of your wallet. Remember that credit card from before? This is the beauty of the whole operation: the driver is credited – tip included – and you are on your merry way.

SLM Screen In-App Shot

4.  Afterward, you will rate your driver, receive an emailed receipt with the details of your trip and continue on in happiness.

The newest edition also allows for fare splitting. Hallelujah!


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  • Reply August 1, 2013


    I love the convenience of Uber, however this past weekend I got hit with the “surge upcharge”. Whenever they are experiencing high demands, they add a surge x 2 charge. This past Saturday night, that meant an additional $36 added to my ride; a trip from Arlington to U Street cost me $75!! Definitely was unexpected. Just make sure you pay attention because you might reconsider next time there is a surge charge, I know I will.

  • Reply August 1, 2013

    Hey Molly!

    That is CRAZY! I had no idea that could happen! At this point, I would email the company because you had no idea that would happen when you requested the cab initially. Maybe the customer service people will be understanding, and you could get some money or credit back!

    Good luck and thanks for the heads up!

  • Reply August 1, 2013


    I’m a big fan of Uber and think it is great for those nights in NYC when you just can’t get a cab. But I had no idea about the surge charge! That stinks – not a fan.

  • Reply August 1, 2013


    It was a shock! I actually emailed them to see what they would say. Their customer service rep looked into the route and ended up refunding $17 because the driver could have taken a quicker route. AND they gave me a $15 credit for next time. That definitely took some of the edge off and ya gotta appreciate good, helpful customer service.