Sweet Lemon Relaxation Playlist

Recently I have found myself entirely too connected to work emails, social media, the television, my iPhone, etc. It seems like every waking hour is spent looking at some kind of screen, whether it be for work, networking, or pleasure. Though I love that 2013 has provided us the ability to be connected to everyone and everything at all times, doesn’t it just get exhausting sometimes? I know it does for me.

In the past few weeks, I have been trying to make a point to spend at least some time each day not looking at a screen. I have been trying to connect one-on-one, rather than through text or social media, and I have been trying to give my eyes a rest. One of my friends has recently gotten really into yoga and has suckered me into going a couple of times now. Though I was hesitant at first, it has given me an outlet in which to spend time focusing on the present moment and just getting away from everything for one short hour of the day.

Now this may seem ironic, given that I am providing you this playlist through a social media outlet, on a program that must be accessed on a screen, and ultimately works through social media. Here’s the thing, though. Music can really provide an escape, and sometimes it is important to disconnect yourself from the overload of information that the World Wide Web provides. For many centuries, music has been used as a tool for relaxation and meditation.

Here I have compiled a list of relaxing songs that really take me to another place, and just allow me to be one with the music.

Yours Forever – Generationals
This is a beautiful song. Not only are the lyrics serene and beautiful, but the music and the melody all come together for a relaxing, lovely tune.

Piazza, New York Catcher – Belle & Sebastian
This song is really fun. Something about Belle & Sebastian always reminds me of The Beatles (my favorite) and they always make me smile. This album is one of my favorites to listen to when flying, it’s just so soothing.

Cannonball – Damien Rice
I have loved this song for so long now. It’s just so well done. While the lyrics are slightly sad and serious, the music quietly juxtaposes this with the semi-upbeat chords.

So take a little time for yourself this week. I know listening to music isn’t totally disconnecting, but it is a great tool to focus on something other than the stresses of everyday life. Turn off your phone for a few minutes and reflect on you. Close your eyes, light a candle, turn on this playlist, and get your Zen on.


Sweet Lemon Mag
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