This A Cappella Version of ‘If I Loved You’ May Cause Tears & Excessive Replays

I’m not always a big fan of the song covers that everyone feels like they can share on YouTube, but when I find one I like, I usually like it more than the original. This song is a perfect example of that. Check out this heart wrenching a cappella rendition of “If I Loved You” (originally done by Delta Rae) by Tulane’s ‘Green Envy‘ a cappella group. (Warning: may cause tears, chills, and excessive replays.)


delta raegreen envyif i loved you
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  • Reply January 30, 2014

    Ali Vitali

    I love this!

  • Reply January 30, 2014

    Adair-Hayes Crane

    Dear God, this is beautiful. Thank you world for this.

  • Reply January 30, 2014

    Adair-Hayes Crane

    I’d also like to point out that the original artist in an NC band – what what!

  • Reply January 31, 2014

    Cali Owings

    I love this song – and their version – but I am wondering, do they always dress like the Babysitter’s Club?

  • Reply February 4, 2014

