Access to Random Access Memories


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Just in case you haven’t heard {AKA you’ve been under a rock}, Daft Punk is set to release a new album. From the initial peep we got at of “Get Lucky ft. Pharrell,” listeners around the globe have been obsessed. Yep, obsessed to the point where we looped the 15 second previews to make a real song.

Let’s just say we’re glad to have ya back, Daft Punk.

Random Access Memories is deliciously funky, so get your best speakers out and blast this baby by the pool – it’s sure to be the hottest summer album release yet.

While you wait until May 21st to get your pre-ordered album, you can stream the entire album here. Enjoy, and you’re welcome.

*Side note: I’m currently revisiting the TRON: Legacy Soundtrack by Daft Punk since I watched it the other day and was immediately intrigued by not only the yummy Garret Hedlund, but also by how fantastic the music was.

By , Managing Editor

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