I don’t know about you, but I hoard clothes like it’s my job. Until a certain number of years have passed, I simply cannot bring myself to get rid of anything. Unless I know for a fact that I’m never ever going to wear it again (this occurs very seldom), it stays with me for the long run.
Since I’m clearly not going to stop shopping any time soon (why would I ever do a thing like that?!), I have decided to take, as I would like to call it, “the wardrobe challenge.” Over the next few months, my goal is to mix in those shirts, bottoms and accessories that have been overlooked far too many times.
Here are some tips on reclaiming those lost treasures that may be buried in your closet.
- Sometimes all it takes is some tailoring, altering or fixing up. Hidden at the top of my closet, I uncovered a super cute pair of quilted white ballet flats with black cap-toes that I only wore once. If they’re so cute, then why did I never wear them, you ask? Because they’re a size too big. To fix this dilemma, I purchased a set of heel liners to make them smaller, and voila, problem solved! While you may not have ill-fitting shoes, odds are you do have a pair of jeans that require tailoring, a cardigan with buttons that need to be sewn back on or something that could be steamed or taken to the dry cleaners.
- If there’s a will, there’s a way. An all too familiar scenario: you buy something on sale that you really love and are convinced you can work into an ensemble, but it never happens. Generally, anything that’s fashion-forward or out of your comfort zone is more difficult to style. In this instance, the thing to do is to try on different outfit combinations until something clicks. Patience is the key; it may not come to you right away, but something in a fashion magazine or on Pinterest could give you a whole new outlook.
- An organized closet is a happy closet. As bad as it may sound, I think sometimes I forget what’s actually in my closet. If it’s not visible, then you can’t wear it. Set aside some time to sift through your closet and chest drawers – you might be surprised at what you find!
- Trends change and so do the ways that you wear your clothes. Since fashion trends run in cycles, thou shall never get rid of something that has potential. What may have gone out of style two years ago could be on the verge of making its comeback. You just never know…
I think it’s safe to say that we all have those days when it feels like we have a closet full of clothes, but nothing to wear. By taking a few extra minutes each day to coordinate ensembles consisting of both new and old, this conundrum can easily be avoided. If after completing the challenge, you still have a few items that you couldn’t breathe new life into, then it just may be time to say goodbye.