I know we all have great ambitions of a fastidious summer reading list with grand notions of lying poolside or at the beach with a thrilling novel. But, in reality I find the crisp snap of Fall is what truly motivates me to hit the books. As F. Scott Fitzgerald said in The Great Gatsby, “Life starts all over again when it gets crisp in the fall.” And, in preparation for the leaves to change I have rounded up a list of my top five literary inspired trinkets to take your novel-induced hibernation up a notch.

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Lightweight scarves are a staple come Fall. Pair this classic literary inspired scarf with a sweater, skinny jeans and boots then grab a good book and a hot coffee. Available in several titles. $28 via etsy

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Fancy a little music with your novel? Don’t worry about draining your smartphone battery streaming your favorite tunes. Leather bound books are transformed into charging stations for your device of choice. The Alice in Wonderland iPhone dock is beyond charming. $56.36 via etsy

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I am in love with these book clutches by Kate Spade. If they have one in your favorite novel snatch it up. I waited and then when The Great Gatsby suffered a sudden burst of popularity due to the film this Summer they sold out. Better luck next time. $325 via Kate Spade

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Soften up the modern look of your MacBook while keeping it protected the “novel way.” Made with top quality leather and a classic design the case adds whimsy to your darling Mac. $79.99-$99.99 Twelve South

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Books transport us to another time and place in such a way that we often feel we have lived it. However, these candles take it to the next level with specially formulated scents to bring the storyline right to your olfactory senses. $7-$28 Candle Luxury
So feel free to curl up and dig in. After all, “Literature is the most agreeable way of ignoring life.” – Fernando Pessoa, The Book of Disquiet