Presenting Our Short story, essay, poem contest!

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Calling all creative Lemon Ladies! When life throws you lemons, you make lemon drop martinis (or lemonade, if that’s your thing), right? Well, if life throws you words, do you write? We do.

Sweet Lemon is looking for readers like YOU to submit your best short story, essay, or piece of poetry for our First Annual Literary Contest! Write about anything you want, seriously, I promise it’s not too good to be true. Fiction, non-fiction, haikus, personal essays, the world is your oyster, and girl we expect you to find that pearl! Send us your best literary work by August 15th at Midnight for a chance to have your work published in the next issue of Sweet Lemon Magazine.

Dig up your best piece of dusty work that’s just been waiting for a reader, or start on a blank canvas with something new. This is your chance to have your voice heard. Don’t forget to pass the word to friends and family, because after all, the more submissions the hotter the competition. Consider this your lemons, because we are thirsty for some lemonade!

Submissions must be made to  by Midnight on August 15th, 2013. Be sure to put “essay contest” in the subject line! Short stories and essays must not exceed 7500 words. 

essaysissue 11poemsshort stories
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  • Reply July 30, 2013


    Is this open to only the US or internationally too?

  • Reply July 30, 2013

    Ali Vitali

    Hi Shihaam! It’s open to all (national AND international applicants) — however, submissions must be written in English. Looking forward to reading your stuff!

  • Reply July 31, 2013

    Hi! How are the pieces of writing being judged in order to be published?

    • Reply July 31, 2013

      Ali Vitali

      We have one of our awesome contributors reading through them and choosing.

  • Reply August 12, 2013


    How often will you guys do this? Every issue or once a year? And in addition to that I had a question I’ve been meaning to ask in a while, do you guys take international contributors for the magazine and how often can one apply for a contributors position each issue or is there a specific time.

    • Reply August 12, 2013

      Zoe Bjornson

      Hi there! We definitely are open to international contributors and we accept applications for each issue. If you have further questions, please contact us at

  • Reply August 12, 2013

    Shannon Callarman

    This is exciting! Can I submit 2? I have a short story and a very small poem. Or is that cheating? lol.