Mind Your P’s and Q’s

Mind Your P's and Q's

Being a modern lady can be tricky these days. Follow these tips and you’ll be the picture of politeness!

Gifts: Housewarming, birthday, wedding, holiday. Every corner you turn, a party is coming your way. While it is expensive, it’s part of becoming an adult. The people who invite you to share in that special day are typically dishing out their own money on food, favors, music, in an effort to give you a good time. For small events, a bottle of wine, chocolates, or a fresh bouquet are a reflection of gratitude and thoughtfulness. Never, ever show up to a wedding or bridal shower with anything less than a card and gift card in tow. Even if a bride notes “No presents, just your presence,” bring flowers or a card.

Punctuality: “If you’re five minutes early, you’re on time. If you’re on time, you’re late.” Punctuality is about respect. When you make plans with someone, being late, due to losing track of the time or running behind schedule, can make the person feel like her event is not a priority to you.

Texting: This is a law of etiquette that is ever-evolving and up for debate. I like to gauge my texting patterns by what my grandmother would approve of. No texting at the dinner table, which to me includes: weekend reunions with friends, quick lunches with co-workers, or pretty much whenever you’re meant to be engaged in conversation with another human being. Enjoy the moment and the relationships you have now. Save the texts for the cab ride home.

Thank you notes: The easiest, and at times, most necessary law of etiquette to follow is in saying “thank you.” From job interviews and graduation gifts, thank you notes are vital to leaving great lasting impressions. Did you go on vacation for a week and someone at work picked up your daily reports? A sweet line or two of thanks will go a long way. My favorite iPhone app is RedStamp, it’s a lifesaver when you’re in need of some meaningful snail mail. $1.29 can get you an adorable and personalized postcard they’ll mail for you; no more trips to the post office for postage!


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