A Meditation for the Dreamers, The Seekers, and The Lovers

I was beyond excited as I walked home this evening to a gorgeous setting sun lit sky. Spring is in the air. Dirty black snow lingers on the ground, revealing its treasures from the winter’s wrath. I am still bundled up, but my layers are just a little bit less. Anticipation hangs in the air, like the curtain that is about to rise to reveal a dear, familiar exciting scene. Although we can daydream about our favorite moments from the past, there is always an electric hope for what this New Year’s spring will have in store. Flings, crushes, perhaps an “I do”. Imaginably, vacations and adventures could be London calling, or a hot Italian summer. Might be winter’s hibernation into work will bring a shinning star of recognition. As the season changes, so will we. The Polar Vortex still lingers, the weather forecast is saying more snow. Motivated by my poem, a meditation of faith, better things to come, and a soundtrack to move my feet and heart! Set your intentions and keep hope shinning bright.

A Meditation for the Dreamers, The Seekers, and the Lovers

A spark of readiness ignites in my soul.  Although I do not know where the path will lead me, I can see it stretching before me into the future, and beckoning me, lit with lamps of bright flames to guide my way.  Bravely taking steps forward is my purpose; standing still is hard.  I put my faith in and trust in The Universe, recognizing that everything in my life, good and bad, is exactly how it is intended to be at this moment.   With gratitude I take note of lessons learned, earning new badges of knowing as I go.  I await patiently with an intuitive assurance, that just as the first days of spring will melt the remains of the snow on the ground, that also my spark will burn into a fire.  Without resistance I will follow the signs, trust my inner wisdom and allow all the joy, love and sweetness my life has in store for me.  Very soon the flowers will bloom, the sun will shine warmly and the birds will chirp my praises in appreciation of how far I have come.


Featured Image via imagenswiki.com

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