4 Apps for the Long Distance Lovers

There’s no doubt that that communication in long-distance relationships is key (key, people!). And although I do consider myself a pretty creative person in my own right, I have to tip my hat to a few amazing digital creations that have helped my own relationships quite a bit. Keep on reading for my favorite four apps that keep that long distance love going.


App: Skype

Price: Free

Skype is, hands down, a quintessential component to my long distance relationship. If you’re in a long distance relationship as well, then you know how important it is to be able to see the person you’re dating, especially for those of us who go long stretches of time without being able to visit our boyfriends/girlfriends. Nothing quite measures up to the real thing, but hey, we’ll take it.

Tip: use the Share Screen feature on Skype to watch movies and videos together!

App: WhatsApp

Price: First year free, $1.99/yr after

WhatsApp is wonderful for smartphone users, especially international long-distance couples. The app allows you to send photos, audio and video to other WhatApp users, free of charge. I don’t know where I was before WhatsApp, to be honest. Probably lost and confused with an insanely high phone bill.

App: Couple

Price: Free

Couple is an app that I’ve only recently stumbled upon, but I love it. It’s similar to WhatsApp, but only allows you to communicate (or “pair” as they call it) with one other user. It offers live sketch, photo and video sharing, voice notes, sketch messaging, calls and FaceTime. Did I mention it’s free? Amazing.

Tip: use the Live Sketch feature to play games like tic-tac-toe, because it’s still fun to beat your significant other from hundreds of miles away.

App: Dropbox

Price: 18 GB- Free, 100 GB- $9.99, 200 GB- $19.99

Dropbox is pretty awesome. If you have photos, videos, files, or any other shared items that you want to back up, this is an amazing way to do it. I love that it gives my boyfriend and I access to each other’s shared files, so we don’t have to go through the hassle of e-mailing everything to each other. It’s also perfect if you want to save space on your computer or cell phone. It’s like a virtual memory box.

Tip: upload vacation photos, scanned photos of your hand-written notes, and all of those other (obnoxious) couple-y things.

So, if I haven’t sold them enough already, download these apps! They’re fabulous and you won’t regret it.

By Tiffany Schoolfield

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