5 Tools You Need for an Inspiration-Ready Bag

My best ideas arrive while I’m walking down the street, sitting in a café or flipping through an outdated magazine at the doctor’s office. As in, they come at the worst possible moment. That’s why I always make sure to have a notebook stashed in my bag, so I’m ready capture any thought as soon as it strikes. A mere note on my phone will not suffice; my thumbs cannot convey a vision the way a pen in my right hand can.

First on my list: a good notebook. Finding the right notebook is deceptively tricky. The cute ones are too bulky, the small ones are impossible to write in and the rest have the wrong type of paper. Luckily, Èccolo (Italian for ‘here it is’) makes notebooks that fit the criteria of what I’m looking for and then some. They’re attractive, have nicely lined pages and fit easily into any bag, but are still large enough so you can read all your notes afterwards. Plus, the inspiring messages on the front make you eager to fill them with your ideas. From journals that you can refill to ones with classic motifs on the front, you’re sure to find a notebook to suit your individual taste.


What else goes into the perfect, inspiration-ready bag? I always make sure to have these four items with me as well.

  • A nice pen – Your favorite pen may have green ink, be a simple ball point or composed of recycled materials. No matter which kind you choose, having a pleasing writing utensil at the ready will make you eager to jot down any brainwave. Bonus points if you can manage legible penmanship.
  • A book or a magazine – Whether you’re stuck on an endless line, waiting for an appointment or blessed with idle time, having something to read will fill your head with interesting stories, perfect for getting those creative juices flowing.
  • A bottle of water – We all know we should be drinking eight glasses a day, but did you know this habit is good for your mind as well as your body? A recent study by the British Psychological society suggested that drinking water in a stressful situation (like an exam) could help boost performance (source: http:// www.psychologytoday.com/blog/minding-the-body/201205/can-sipping-watermake-you-smarter). Stash your bottle in your bag to sip on if your mind stalls.
  • Phone – From snapping a photo to sending an email, your phone is essential for putting your plans into action. If your phone struggles to hold a charge, toss the plug into your bag as well. Of course, if the battery does die, you’ll always have your trusty notebook!

What do you need in your bag to be ready when inspiration strikes?


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