How to Plan for 2014


The holidays can be a little… distracting?

This is it. The home stretch. You have made it another year, all limbs intact, and you’re totally ready for the holiday season, family, friends, and all the pressure in the world for really fulfilling New Year’s Resolutions. Yes, because after the holidays, friends, family, finals, applications, and stress you really want to think about “self-improvement”.


1.      Is it bad if I need a moment to process the last 11 months?!

No, you made it! What were the biggest moments for you? Birthdays, family announcements, events? Take a moment to look back at the best (and worst!) times of the year.

2.      Evaluate thus far

You don’t need to be 20, or 30, to look at a “life checklist,” nor should you be comparing yourself to anyone else! Engaged, married, promoted…who cares? Take a moment to identify the things in life that bring you the most joy. Finding things that don’t may just be motivation for next year’s resolutions.

3.      What can you really do in a year?

Be realistic about your goals for the future. “Lose weight” is not going to get anyone to the gym at 7 am. However, take a look at where you are now, where you want to be at this time next year, and sit down with reality. Make specific goals, add bench marks, and start the always-fun trek down Self-Improvement lane.


Often times the holidays can be filled with the ideas of giving, getting, traveling, returning, and making sure the family doesn’t kill each other. First, take a moment to give yourself some credit. You survived and made it through another year! BRING IT ON 2014.




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1 Comment

  • Reply December 26, 2013


    specific goals and not comparing yourself to others is the way to go when setting goals for the new year.