Dear Jack: Is he my +1?


My boyfriend and I met this past Memorial Day at a mutual friend’s lake house, so we have been dating about 3 months now. One of my close friends from college is getting married in January and I was invited with a +1. Is it ok for me to invite my boyfriend to the wedding? From everything I read from you, it’s going to creep him out.”


Hey Invite Ingrid,

These prompts may help you make your decision.

  1. Have you broken up before? If y’all have been dating for three months and already had a fight where y’all break up – chances are that you won’t stick together (sorry) or you will just bring some annoying drama to the wedding that will just bring everyone down. Shoot, you guys are supposed to still be in the honeymoon stage.
  2. Do you have an overnight drawer at his house/apartment? If so, he is ready for a weekend excursion with you. He is over the “Holy crap, she is totally invading my space”  phase.
  3. Are you fine with people saying “hHy, do you think Ingrid is going to marry this guy?” If so, you are prepared to move forward with this relationship.

Hope this helps,

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1 Comment

  • Reply September 15, 2013

    Ali Vitali

    To be honest, Jack’s pretty off base with #3. Unless you’re the sister, brother, first or second cousin of the bride, I highly doubt people’s first notion is going to be that because you brought this guy to the wedding with you his last name is destined to be on the other end of your hyphenated last name.