Summer evokes images of sandy beaches and poolside soirees, perhaps with a chilled cocktail in hand. But most of all, we associate summer with lazy days. It becomes all too easy to lie in bed hours after the first rays of sunlight stretch through your window. As enjoyable as hot sleepy days and bottomless mimosa brunch weekends may be, a lazy routine can quickly drain you. It’s important to stay stimulated in the warmer months, even if it means setting a time each day to sit down and read. So whether you’re working, interning or taking the summer off, here are a few simple ways to beat the blues and keep at it:
1. Stay active and attuned to what you eat.
At the risk of sounding like every health teacher and caring parent out there, you should make both exercise and healthy eating priorities in your schedule. Instead of spending hours tanning by the pool, run on the beach or the boardwalk (and take a dip after). Many people find that it’s easier to eat well in the summer, as you’re no longer in hibernation mode. Stock up on seasonal fruits and berries at your nearest farmer’s market and try replacing your coffee with a green smoothie or coconut water. Not only will your skin thank you, but your energy levels will skyrocket.
2. Keep learning.
Whether you’re on summer vacation or working full-time, maintaining a curious mind will help you avoid boredom, stay alert and remain focused. Set goals for yourself, like reading a book every few weeks or keeping up with current events. Read through the stack of magazines that you’ve really been meaning to dig into. Actually make the recipes and DIY projects you post to Pinterest. There are a million ways to stay sharp – do whatever keeps you inspired!
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3. Get creative with your friends.
Expand your idea of what it means to hang out with friends. Instead of the classic happy hour date or night on the town, plan something fun and different. Host a small dinner at your place and have your friends bring wine. You save money by staying in and get to talk and laugh with the people you love. Google outdoor movie events and eat dessert on the lawn (bring a blanket)! If you’re feeling adventurous, plan a weekend skydiving trip and document it with photos. You’ll strengthen your friendships and feel much less blah in the process.

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4. Make a city-centric bucket list.
Surely you’ve heard that age-old advice to be a tourist in your own city (or town, for that matter). Summer is the perfect time to explore the place you live more deeply. Write down what you’ve been saying you want to do, post the list to your bulletin board, and cross something off whenever you have down time. Spend a few hours at a museum, go vintage shopping, or catch a matinee by yourself. You’ll feel more accomplished and cultured if you just get up and go for it.
5. Make an effort to meet new people.
Networking has never been more necessary than it is in today’s world. With the enormous amount of information and potential for connection on sites like LinkedIn and Twitter, the pressure to network is overwhelming. In order to keep your cool, not to mention solid reputation, it’s best just to have a general positive outlook regarding making new relationships. Kindly reach out to a distant connection to grab an iced coffee, catch an evening yoga class or walk in the park. Strengthening those weaker ties is a great summer activity with major long-run payoffs.
Have any tips of your own for staying on top of it this summer? Let us know in the comments below!
By Sophie Pawlowski
Whatever you choose to do, remember that you are only young once. Do all those things you wont be able to do later, once your life gets real busy. Thanks for the inspiration Sophie.