1. Opt for a monochromatic, muted color scheme. Bright colors and contrasting patterns are great but not ideal in the bedroom. A soothing color scheme with limited colors to distract the eye is ideal for creating a relaxed space.
2. Use multiple soft textures. A lambskin rug, a cashmere throw, a nubby upholstered chair, or an eyelet pillow… all of these will create a comfy haven that makes you want to curl up and forget the day’s stress.
3. Think layers. Throw pillows, blankets, and crisp sheets will all help your bed seem like a retreat. That’s why hotel beds seem so wonderful!
4. Utilize rugs. If you have hardwood floors, make sure to get an area rug or two to add a soft space underfoot. Especially in the winter, it makes all the difference to step on to a warm rug rather than a cold floor.
5. Forgo electronics. Drifting off to a TV is never ideal. Many people swear they need it to fall asleep but that’s a habit that can and should be broken. Some people may be in a situation where they live on a busy street in a big city and they need to drown out the noise. In this case, invest in a sound machine or even a fan.
6. Cut down on clutter. Minimalist decor creates calm. It’s much easier to relax in a space that is clean, neat, and clutter free.
7. Limit light. Use 60 watt bulbs or find bulbs that can alternate between 60 watt and 100 watt if you need the light (I need a brighter light at my dresser to do my makeup).
With these tips, your bedroom will be a serene retreat that helps you take full advantage of the hours you do have between work, friends, and extracurricular activities.