You can read every word ever written (the dictionary doesn’t count), but nothing makes a girl feel more cultivated than earning the adjective “well-traveled.” I’ve always been fascinated by maps as decorative art and force all of my friends to join me in visiting cartography-themed museum exhibitions. Whether political, physical, or experimental, a map’s spacial representation evokes so much more than the desire to get there from here.
Is it more desirable to sleep on the east or the west side? Which sites must I visit in London this year? Will everyone think I’m some kind of gritty hipster if I’m caught riding the L Train?
I scoured the boundless atlas better known as the world wide web for way-finding accents to give any space that coveted “well-traveled” look. Pro-tip: The cash you save decorating with those wrapping paper sheets can be better put towards custom matting at your friendly local frame shop!

{1} Around the World Letters, available at Urban Outfitters, $12 each
{2} Rochester Subway Map, available at Rochester Subway, $20
{3} New Orleans, Louisiana, available at City Prints, $40
{4} Cape Cod Postcard, available at, $5.25 as of 7/26
{5} Map of London by Alice Tait, 19.5 x 15.5, available at, $19.99
{6} Old Boston Map Wrapping Paper, available at Paper Source, $4.95
{7} San Francisco Points of Interest Map Wrapping Paper, available at Paper Source, $4.95