Move Over Mr. Clean: There’s a New Sheriff in Town

I’m not a big fan of cleaning, though not because of the reasons you’d think.  I don’t dislike it because it’s time consuming, or because it’s the task that never ends.  I dislike it because I have sensitive skin and, even with rubber gloves on, the majority of the products needed to get the job done irritate my skin.  Now, there are some commercial products that don’t, but they’re few and far between.  I searched and searched for something that was effective enough to get things clean, but gentle enough not to make cleaning a literally painful chore.

Enter white vinegar.Though white vinegar was a product that I’d seen my grandmother clean with while I was growing up, I had no idea it was such a versatile cleaning product.  Here are just a few of the ways you can use white vinegar to keep things clean and tidy (without harsh chemicals):

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GlassA solution of equal parts white vinegar and warm water in a spray bottle works wonders on glass surfaces such as mirrors, windows, and glass-top tables.  Spray it on and wipe it away with a soft cloth for sparkling glass.  (Tip: For mirrors, wiping the solution away with newsprint will give you more shine!)

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If your clothes are smelling stale or musty or carrying an odor they shouldn’t be (like campfire smoke), put a couple of capfuls of white vinegar in with your wash.  Add two capfuls in with either your liquid detergent or your liquid fabric softener and the vinegar will remove any lingering odors in your clothes.  (Tip:  This can really prolong the lifespan of your exercise wear.)

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I learned this trick from my grandmother and I use it during my weekly clean:  Pour about half a cup of baking soda down your drain (kitchen or bathroom) and then follow it up with about the same amount of white vinegar.  Put the plug in the drain to make sure the chemical reaction goes down the drain and not out, wait fifteen to twenty minutes, then flush the drain with the hottest water you can get to come out of your tap.  (Tip: Warming up the vinegar beforehand makes this even more effective.)If you’ve got any recommendations of gentle home cleansers, or any tried and true tips to keep things tidy, I’d love to hear them!  Share how you keep things #SLSqueakyClean with me on , in the comments below, or on  (brownie points if you share a pic of yourself in your most adorable cleaning attire)!

By Ally Stuart

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  • Reply September 18, 2013

    Katrina Manning

    White vinegar is great for cleaning, so is baking soda. =)

    • Reply September 18, 2013

      I’m just happy to have found something that doesn’t make my skin all red and inflamed!

  • Reply September 18, 2013


    Useful! I am going to try the sink trick tonight :)

  • Reply September 18, 2013

    Does it have the same strong odor? I don’t know if I could get over the smell. I used Apple Cider Vinegar once (beauty DIY) and the smell still haunts me…*shudder*