I’m a very visual person, meaning I’m inspired by what I can see around me more than what I hear, can touch, etc. It’s caused me to realize how important it is that my cube at work be filled with visual inspiration. While I love to see Pinterest pictures of those beautifully styled desks that look as though no one actually works at them, I’m not necessarily talking about that. Really, I’m talking about creating your own corner of the office that’s filled with sights that inspire you and keep you feeling positive on even the most frustrating work days. Here’s a peak inside how I’ve decorated my cube at work:

- Dry Erase Board: This is an absolute must for me. I take the time at the beginning of each week to write out the projects that I have going on, as well as how long each will take me. As the week goes on, I cross off what’s been done. I usually choose an inspiring quote of the week to write underneath. Doodling’s great, too. (Office Depot)
- Colorful Office Supplies: While I do own these leopard binder clips, I’ve added the pretty page tabs to my wish list. I’m not saying you have to hand in a report with animal print or neon do-dads all over it, but fun office supplies make stacks of paper sitting on your desk look less daunting. (Office Depot,Design Darling)
- Holstee Manifesto: The walls of my cube are fabric, so it’s easy to tack things all over. I hang the above binder clips on a tack and switch out printed quotes and visual inspiration every few weeks. It’s like having a constantly-changing gallery wall that keeps me motivated. The Holistee Manifesto is one of my current picks. (Holstee)
- Decorative Mug: I’m more of a peppermint tea than coffee drinker, so I use this mug each morning to enjoy a cup while checking my email. Plain mugs get the job done, but doesn’t green ikat wake you up a little more? It works for me. The mug also looks pretty sitting on my desk for the rest of the day. (C Wonder)
- Desktop Calendar: I get compliments on this calendar, which sits on a lucite easel next to my computer monitor, all the time. It’s also a little embarrassing how excited I get when it’s time to flip from one month to the next. Each month is decorated with a bright geometric pattern, curly font, and icons on special dates. (Nico and Lala)
- Personal Photos: Yes, those are my parents. Hi, Mom and Dad! I have pictures of family and friends all over my cube walls because it helps me smile when I’m trying to work through a tough project or have a sleepy afternoon. They’re also great talking points when people stop at my desk to ask me work-related questions.
- Candy: No explanation needed. I sometimes need a little sugar rush to make it to the end of the day. I don’t have a full-on candy bowl because I don’t trust myself with so much candy at once, but I usually have a few pieces lying around. Starburst and gummie bears are favorites.
What do you use as visual inspiration in your cube at work? Does it help you stay motivated and creative?