A Gift Guide for the Nine-to-Fiver

Gift Guide for 9 to 5 er
  1. Desk Caddy, See Jane Work: Add some color to your friend’s work space, and she’ll be thanking you every time she looks up from her keyboard and isn’t staring at a blank, white desk.
  2. ITunes Gift Card: Whether it’s Ellie Goulding or The Lumineers, she’ll appreciate the virus-free download.
  3. Cashmere Texting Glove, Urban Outfitters: No more “I couldn’t answer you because my gloves were on” excuses. Gloves with conductive yarn at the fingertips are perfect for your cold-handed friend who is a little too finger happy.
  4. La Pavilion Headphones, Kate Spade: Give it up for your friend who works in the heart of Midtown. Her secret to surviving the commotion from thousands of tourists? Slow jams flowing into her ears while she’s navigating her way near the Radio City Music Hall crowd.
  5. Starbucks Gift Card: Because really, who can get through the day without one cup of joe (or peppermint mocha, or vanilla soy latte)?
  6. Leopard Slippers, Zara: From her apartment to the office, her feet will be thanking you.
  7. Starbucks Tumbler: Because she’ll get 10 cents off her coffee (or peppermint mocha, or vanilla soy latte) at Starbucks if she brings in her own tumbler.
  8. Sarah Pinto Weekly Planner: To schedule coffee breaks, cocktail hours, and girls-night-outs.
  9. Kindle: For your friend who is reading the fifth Harry Potter book, Gone Girl and Anna Karenina…all at the same time. Store books in one place, and add less bulk to her day bag.
  10. Weekender Bag, Pendleton: For those weekend getaways to her parents’ house, she’ll brave the trains in style.
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1 Comment

  • Reply December 16, 2012


    These are great gift ideas :)