Kristin Clark: Living in Color Print

Today on Sweet Lemon Mag, Kristin Clark, of the lifestyle blog, Living in Color Print, shares with us what it’s like to be a full time blogger, her style tips and what she’s craving this spring!



Victoria Budosh: How did you decide to start your blog?
Kristin Clark: I was working backstage PR at NYFW for several seasons and was fascinated by the growth of bloggers and the access they received at shows and events. I decided to do my research [What is this whole blogging thing? How to be successful? The whole nine yards], think it over for months, and officially launch Living In Color Print with the goal to share my experiences and inspire others along the way.

VB: It is definitely important to do your research before stepping out on your own. I understand you do freelance now, what was your job pre blog?
KC: I was a Marketing Director for a large FL based real estate company.

VB: Having a marketing background seems to have paid off! Enough business, I am a huge fan of your style! For our readers, describe your style in one sentence.
KC: I would describe my style as fun, classic, and playful.

VB: If you could raid one person’s closet (living or dead) whose would it be?
KC: Oooh this is a tough one! There are so many amazing fashion icons throughout the decades I can think of, but when it comes to modern fashion I would probably have to say Olivia Palermo. Her style is just perfect; effortless, chic, and always impeccably put together. I feel like her closet oozes a versatile mix of classic basics as well as playful prints and silhouettes to take chances.

VB: I totally agree with you! She has inspired me too! I always tend to search for how she wears certain pieces when I put my outfits together! So, take us through a day in the life of “Living in Color Print!”
KC: I’m not a morning person at all, the alarm goes off and I snooze at least 3 times every morning. After breakfast, a work-out (if I’m lucky), and taking my English bulldog for a walk, I check emails and begin promoting the days’ blog post. I generally have at least one meeting or event each day to attend to. Networking is key in the blogging, and freelance world, so even when I may not feel like leaving the house (we all have those days), I make myself do it. I have a separate room for my office which is really important for me. I need to get, get ready for the day, and physically ‘go to the office’ to get myself motivated. The day is full of pitching, making calls, answering emails, and taking new style outfit pictures. Generally I’ll wind down the evening with writing a new post over a glass of wine and the latest on Bravo (guilty!).


VB: What is the coolest thing you have been able to accomplish/do because of your blog?
KC: I would have to say building relationships! Don’t get me wrong, receiving gifts and attending events is absolutely wonderful, but building lasting business and personal relationships with individuals of a similar ‘mold’ is priceless. I’ve had the opportunity to meet so many wonderful women, and men, throughout this journey that will withstand whether I continued blogging or not.

VB: You are a go getter! What are you biggest challenges trying to manage life/blog?
KC: Time management. It can get very overwhelming managing my own blog: partnering with brands, maintaining ads, pitching myself, securing press, etc, along with my client’s needs. I have to make myself accessible for them at all times, along with maintaining my own personal brand image. I’m constantly making ‘to-do’ lists to help keep myself on track from day-to-day. Turning down certain opportunities that I feel I can’t add to my plate can be disappointing, but I do what I love so I can’t complain! I feel extremely blessed to have been able to do what I’ve accomplished thus far in my career and can’t wait to see what the future holds.


VB: Being able to do what you love is such a great thing! Can you give me your top 5 style tips?
1. Mix up your wardrobe: mix and match patterns and colors to constantly to keep your looks fresh!
2. Take risks: fashion is supposed to be a fun way to express YOU! It’s only an outfit, so take risks; you may surprise yourself and discover something new you love!
3. Classic vs. Trendy: make sure you always have both categories in your closet. Splurge on your classic cuts and colors that you’ll wear season after season. Make smart buys when it comes to trendy items by visiting sites and stores like H&M and Zara where you’ll be able to find reasonably priced items in the hottest seasonal trends.
4. Dress for your body type: this is such an important aspect of looking for best. Most women don’t understand how to dress their shape, determining that prior to going on a shopping spree will completely transform the look and feel of your outfit.
5. Accessorize: accessories are the easiest, and most cost effective, way to jazz up your looks! They’re also a great way to take chances and experiment with color combinations you’re not used to. I’m a huge fan of statement necklaces and would highly recommend having several in your closet at all times; these can move from outfit to outfit and completely transform a look (great for light packing while traveling)!

VB: Those are some great tips! Thanks! Now, you have 5 minutes to grab an outfit for a night out with the girls. What is your go to look?
KC: Hands down, a nice pair of dark denim, colorful/printed blouse, blazer, and pumps. This look is just so easy for me and generally will work for wherever the night takes us!

VB: Always need to be prepared! What is your absolute favorite thing in your closet?
KC: There is no possible way I could name just ONE thing, but my shoes collection is hands down my baby. I love shoes, I mean what girl doesn’t?!


VB: Ha, I totally agree with you! Finally, what is on your “must have” list for this Spring?
KC: My spring must haves include: floppy hat, girly peplum tops, a white blazer, and lastly, mint, mint, and more mint!

You can check out Kristin’s super cute style at Be sure to follow her on and as well!

By Victoria Budosh

blogkristin clarkliving in color printspring trends
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