Write for the Soul


Bound by tiny locks, hidden under mattresses, or stuck behind books on an overflowing shelf laid once laid our most prized possessions: our thoughts. Encased in diaries covered in kittens, Disney characters, flowers, and the like, our childhood and angst-filled teenage memories are recorded for posterity.

As we age into young adults, many of us leave the days of writing our experiences, hopes, and dreams behind along with our beloved teddy bears and musical jewelry boxes. Excuses are plenty. “It’s childish,” some retort. “I’m too busy,” some reply. “Oh, I already blog,” the others say. All of these people, even the bloggers, are missing out on an experience that can help put life into perspective, manage stress, and cope with difficult decisions: journaling.


Journaling is a time of quiet reflection. It can happen daily, weekly, monthly, or whenever you seek the advice of someone who knows you better than anyone else – YOU.

While diaries were a routine stream of consciousness (who your friends were, what you had done that day, the name of your secret crush ensconced in tiny hearts), journals are about reflecting on your life. Aspirations, difficult dilemmas, and personal triumphs fill the lines of my own journals. They are a constant reminder of the proverbial mountains I’ve climbed to reach my goals and provide me with additional perspective when I make decisions in the present day.


Now is the time to start journaling! You are at the beginning of a new chapter filled with new experiences. Record them while they are fresh in your memory. Use the pages throughout your life to help make the difficult burdens easier to bear and the celebrations of your successes even sweeter as you write for the soul.


journaljournalingmental healthsoul
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