Freshman 15 (And Beyond)



Most schools are already in session, and you’re probably still adjusting and trying to figure out where all your classes are and how to use the coin laundry machines. But it’s really important to start off the year healthy, and the easiest way to not gain the notorious freshman 15, or weight at any point in life,  is to be strict about portion sizes and workouts.

Starting in college, it is all too easy to get lax with eating, drinking, and exercise habits. But in order to do your best academically and professionally, it helps to be physically fit and feeling good. So in order to help you stay in tip-top shape, I’ve put together a list of 15 items that will help you stay fit, but are small enough to fit into your bedroom. Having a fun new toy is always a good motivator. These are also great gifts for any college student or working professional.



1. Running Shoes – these may be the only necessity on this list

2. Heart Rate Monitor – can be expensive, but worth it to be able to maximize intensity

3. Reusable Water Bottle – useful outside of workouts too

4. Yoga Mat - not just for yoga, but for any floor exercise so you don’t get dirty

5. Foam Roller – awesome to keep you nimble and prevent injuries

6. Kettlebell – a fun twist on typical hand weights

7. Workout DVD – makes it super easy to get a full workout in your room

8. Stretching Strap – great to stretch you out without a partner

9. Exercise Ball – not just for sit-ups, but some people use these as a computer chair

10. Running Crops – perfect for the cooler-but-not-cold fall months

11. School Rec Center or Gym Membership - perfect if you are a gym rat or like variety in your workouts

12. Eat Clean Diet Book – you won’t be doing a lot of cooking, but this diet is definitely doable/adaptable on a school meal plan

13. Freeze Dried Strawberries - best low-calorie snack ever

14. Bike – useful for helping  you get to your classes or around your city faster

15. Jawbone  – not only is a super easy to use pedometer, but also helps you get your sleep cycle under control

How do you stay in shape in college and beyond? And are there any other fitness accessories you recommend?

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  • Reply September 20, 2013


    If the Jawbone UP is not in the budget, the “Sleep Time” app on iPhone is awesome for monitoring sleep cycles. Other free apps like My Fitness Pal and Runkeeper are great for tracking caloric intake and activity. :)

    • Reply September 22, 2013

      I’ve never tried the sleep time app! And I love the calorie apps too, but I never keep up with them.

  • Reply September 21, 2013

    Katrina Manning

    Love the tip about freeze dried strawberries.

    • Reply September 22, 2013

      I lived off these in college (and I still do)!

  • Reply September 22, 2013


    I can’t believe you don’t have a watch on the list! That is definitely in my top 5 along with shoes, socks, shorts, and running pants.

    • Reply September 22, 2013

      I forgot about this one! But most heart rate monitors come with watches, so I just associate that with a HRM. But I agree a watch is a must!

  • Reply September 27, 2013

    Tiffany Schoolfield

    Honestly don’t know what I would’ve done without my university’s rec center! haha

    • Reply September 28, 2013

      Ananya Juneja

      I used mine for 2 years and then when I started running heavily I just ran and did nothing else (not the best plan), but yes it was awesome! Esp for the winter.