Intuitive eating is something I’ve discovered recently that’s had such a positive affect on my body, health and overall life. What is it you ask? Simply put, it’s eating according to what’s best for one else but you. Check out this blog post on Greatist for an inspiring explanation!
After reading this, it hit me. I should always be listening to my body.
So I’d like to share my simplified tips for intuitive eating:
- If you’re hungry, eat. Full? Stop eating and continually check in with your body while enjoying a meal or snack. If there’s a pain, figure out what’s wrong. It’s that simple! You put more havoc on your body and health trying to follow rules here and there. Just listen to what it’s telling you!
- Eat what feels good. Eat things less often or not at all that don’t make you feel good. Make healthy choices and make sure you’re getting your nutrients but be relaxed about it.
- Don’t try to attain a perfect eating schedule or meal or even follow some fad diet strictly. It can be okay to have guidelines but do what you can and always keep your body, health and feelings in mind.
- If you indulge in a sweet treat or salty snack, enjoy it instead of feeling guilty!
Like Sacha Jones puts it “When you swallow guilt and shame along with the so-called “naughty,” food you add stress and inflammation and the equivalent of a whole lot of extra calories. If you are going to indulge, do so with pleasure-being mindful with oohs and ahs and yums. Be present and mindful and ditch the guilt.” (via a blog post by Katie Dalebout)
Savor that’s better for you!
- And last but not least..moderation! Everything in moderation.
If you’re interested in delving deeper, I want to leave you with an amazing event from Gabrielle Bernstein called Finally Full. Check out this online event to become more in tune with food, your body and yourself!

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