When Life THREW Me Lemons…

ParisRouzati_Letter From Editor_Sweet Lemon Mag_April 2013

A couple months ago, I found myself standing at a crossroads: to continue the magazine I started with a couple friends a little over a year ago, or to close this chapter of my life, since our co-founders moved on to pursue their career dreams. I kept thinking to myself how Sweet Lemon Magazine has grown into a beautiful network of Gen-Y women who celebrate their uniqueness in a rapidly growing world. Our very purpose is to help women pursue their dreams, live fruitful lives, and connect with each other. With the help of technology, we have grown a family, and fostered great relationships with our followers, contributors, and partners. It became clear that I simply had to keep this movement going.

I soon realized I wasn’t alone, and knew I had to make some changes. We live in an era where people can connect with each other they don’t even know with the touch of a Twitter button. We live in a time where talking about the news or bold fashions is no longer taboo. We live in an environment of acceptance, open-mindedness, and expression. “Girl Power” is no longer just a Spice Girls tagline, it’s a movement.

So, with a little help from my friends, we decided to give Sweet Lemon a little makeover. We are celebrating the modern woman, so we decided to give ourselves a more modern look, with splashes of bold colors, and daring content. We have created a space for the Jane wearing Kate Spade to communicate with the Jane wearing Céline. We have created a space for the Jane working in fashion to connect with the Jane working in finance. We have created the space for the food truck lovers, and fine dining connoisseurs; the backpackers, and the jet-setters. We have created a space for the Charlotte, Samantha, Miranda, and Carrie…or E. None of The Above.

Sometimes, life will give you lemons, and other times, life with literally throw those lemons straight at your face. The only thing that matters is that you grab them, and make your life as beautiful as it can be. Just don’t forget to share these moments with the people who inspire you.

“Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?” ― Mary Oliver

Be inspirational,

[your new] Editor-in-Chief

AprilChangesLetter From The EditorMayRebrandSweet Lemon Mag
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  • Reply April 1, 2013


    Yayyy! I am glad you decided to keep Sweet Lemon going! I love the new look and this new generation of women definitely need Sweet Lemon!

  • Reply April 1, 2013

    Danika Daly

    Congratulations on taking the sour lemons and continuing to make them sweet. I just found this magazine today via Twitter, and I’m glad you didn’t call it quits. I loved every page of this issue, and have already started looking in the archives.


  • Reply April 4, 2013


    Keep ‘em comin Paris! I love reading your postes, particularly look forward to to see what’s new in the world of fashion. Great job by the way on this issue. Love love love it.