Facebook: A Look Back

Whether we like to admit it or not, social media is a huge part of our lives. Whether you use it to get news, catch up with old friends or share a movie review, social media is engrained into our culture and as of now, there’s no turning back. When I joined Facebook  seven years ago, I don’t think I knew the impact that the social networking site was going to have on my life, both short and long term. Now, I’m a senior majoring in Communications at Tulane University and hoping to pursue a career in the social media or digital marketing world. Seven years ago, I don’t really think the positions I’m interested inn eve existed. ‘Community Manager’ was something that maybe applied to jobs when a community meant a group of physical people living in the same place, not a brand’s community of social networks. A ‘Marketing Director’ did not include Twitter campaigns. Social media has changed our paths, whether professional or personal and I think we need to recognize that.

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Facebook turns 10 this month, and to celebrate, they released a video for each user that highlights memorable moments since they joined the site. Personally, I found it kind of moving. To see all of these picture and snippets of text from years past was like a  pull on my heart strings. Whether it was an old boyfriend, a status commemorating my acceptance into an abroad program that made a huge impact on me, the video just about brought tears to my eyes.

Most of the time we see a circulating article that talks about why social media is ruining our generation, how we’re out of touch. While I believe that some of these claims are true, there really is power in social media. It’s a crazy thing, but it can also help us, in more ways in one. So thank you, Facebook. For making us pause to celebrate not only you, but our lives and how social media can be a good thing.

Check out your “Look Back” video on Facebook .



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