Feeling Fresh: Spring Pasta Salad

Calling myself a novice chef would be a gross understatement.  The kitchen is a place where other fierce women brave stovetops with bravado and I end up burning soup. But squeezed in between “call grandparents more,” and “use your passport,” on my list of New Years resolutions, was a promise to myself to learn how to cook. Slowly but surely, I’ve started cooking for myself, and occasionally my boyfriend – if he’s lucky! There have been some major fails but also a few great wins.

Now that spring has finally sprung, I woke up in the mood to throw together something fresh. I wanted something in the cooking category of easy, but also equally delicious. When I walked into the grocery store and spotted ripe cherry tomatoes, inspiration struck. My vision was a simple: a crisp pasta salad requiring a mere 15 minutes to throw together.


I highly suggest pairing this with a crisp glass of white wine or your favorite seasonal spring beer. Part of the Shock Top seasonal collection includes a Honeycrisp Apple Wheat beer that I swear, tastes better than a 70 degree day on a porch swing.



1 8oz package cherry tomatoes

Feta Cheese

Bowtie Pasta

Extra Virgin Olive Oil

1 lemon

Precooked Grilled Chicken Strips

*If you prefer to cook your own chicken breasts, you are a better woman than I. Go for it!

Parsley or Basil

*This is optional but pairs well with the fresh lemon juice



  1. Boil 6 cups of water. Sprinkle salt in and wait until the water is at a rolling boil before adding pasta. Cook for 6-9 minutes, depending on your al dente preference. Remove from water and drain. Set aside.
  2. While your pasta is cooking, chop up your parsley and the cherry tomatoes. I like to quart mine so the chunks are big in the salad.
  3. In a frying pan or cast iron skillet, toss your precooked chicken in a little EVOO and evenly sauté. Squeeze in some fresh lemon juice.
  4. While your chicken cools off, toss your pasta in EVOO and the leftover lemon juice. Then, add in the cherry tomatoes, parsley, and feta.
  5. Once it has fully cooled off, toss in the chicken.
  6. Chill in the fridge until you are ready to enjoy!



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1 Comment

  • Reply April 10, 2013


    Sounds fabulous and delicious Joselyn- quick and easy made with all my favorite ingredients- do you think it would taste ok if I marinated in teriyaki or citrus before grilling the chicken?