Easy Summer Quinoa + Chicken Recipe

Let’s face it – we’re all lazy after work. Especially in the summer, all you want to do is sit outside sipping on a cold, fancy cocktail. To make life a little bit easier after 5PM, check out this delicious recipe that’s perfect for those hot summer nights, and just as delicious for lunch the next day.


Cheddar Infused Quinoa + Balsamic Chicken Recipe


  • quinoa 
  • chicken tenders
  • balsamic vinegar
  • water
  • pepper
  • tomatoes
  • butter
  • olive oil
  • cheddar  - I used actual cheddar string cheese, but feel free to get fancier



  1. Cut up the chicken tenders into bite-sized pieces and put into a bowl/container
  2. Fill the container with water, about halfway up the cuts of chicken (not very much. Then, fill the container with same parts balsamic vinegar
  3. Add pepper for taste and mix. Let marinate for as long as your little heart desires.
  4. After you start the quinoa, add olive oil to a frying pan (medium heat) and add in the chicken + balsamic and water.
  5. Let the chicken cook for about 10 minutes, or until tender.


  1. Add 1 part quinoa to 2 parts water to a saucepan. Boil. When boiling, reduce to a simmer and let sit until all of the water is absorbed.
  2. When quinoa is done cooking, chop up small pieces of cheddar and throw them into the saucepan. Let sit for a few minutes and then mix until cheddar is melted.
  3. Cut tomatoes into bit-sized pieces and throw into saucepan with quinoa, mix.

Plate and enjoy! The balsamic is especially delicious as a sauce after it has been slightly reduced in the pan.

You’re welcome – hopefully it becomes a summer staple for you as well.


easylunchquinoasummer recipe
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