Overfed & Undernourished

The bevy of issues surrounding food and weight in our society is no secret. Media and marketing plow us daily with images of what expected beauty looks like. We all know what the “social norm” of attractiveness is according to the standards that are displayed for us on the pages of Glamour and links of Pinterest. Thankfully there are powerful voices out there doing their part to discourage young men and women from buying into this false sense of reality. But a much scarier issue than mental image lies at the heart of the weight debate in America. This country is a breeding ground for obesity, diabetes, and cancer – and it is because of what we chose to put in our bodies every single day. Most of us grew up in a culture where fast food and microwave dinners were acceptable and normal meal options a few nights a week. Our pantries were full of Chef Boyardee and Lays products while our fridges were stocked with sugary beverages and toaster-ready frozen waffles.

“The average american consumes 150 pounds of sugar a year.”

We’re all smart enough to know by now these “foods” are wreaking havoc on our bodies. Until recently, I always associated weight gain and junk food on a superficial level. Having a shallow knowledge that refined carbohydrates, fat, and white sugar = an extra size in the dress department. I never really fully educated myself on what exactly goes on inside of the working miracle that is my body.


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Then I saw “Hungry for Change,” by James Colquhoun and Laurentine Bosch; an astounding documentary exploring the principles of food, diet, and nutritional culture in our country. More importantly, it discusses what can be done to change the outlook of the consumer. Have you ever gone on a binge eating fest after a weekend of drinking and found yourself coddling an empty pizza box with only a corner of crust and sausage particle left in the wake? (LOLz of course you have, it can’t just be me). Did you feel satisfied? Full, perhaps even stuffed…but were you truly satisfied? Americans are consuming thousands of calories a day with little to no actual nutrients. We are starving ourselves full with nutritionally devoid products that are laced with chemicals and additives to make food seem more attractive and delicious. The problem is, we are not acknowledging these unhealthy “foods” as what they truly are: drugs. MSG, high fructose corn syrup, and white sugar are addictive substances that teach our bodies to crave higher doses over time. It is just like an addiction to alcohol. The more we consume, the more our body anticipates and desires. But these things do nothing for us in the long run.

The documentary goes on to explore how stress and eating affect each other and what we can do to combat anxiety safely. For you beauty junkies out there – ever thought about the way that a balanced diet can brighten your eyes, clear up your skin, or strengthen your nails? As they say, your body is a temple. These wonderful machines we live in every day were designed to work for us, not against us. But we have to give it the proper tools needed to function in the best capacity. I urge anyone looking to make a positive change in their food consumption to give this movie a chance. Changing your outlook is the first step to changing your lifestyle. The truth is, diet is just a euphemism for what is essentially, a food fad. I don’t want trendy meal plan. I want a nutritional regime to arm myself with for life – to treat my body the best way I can.

“Hungry for Change” is currently available on Netflix. Check it out and tell me what kind of change you want to make in your life!


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1 Comment

  • Reply August 7, 2013

    This is a really powerful article. Thank you for writing it and for the film rec!