Mythic Powers of Chicken Noodle Soup

We’re in the middle of cold and flu season and with the weather reaching epic levels of temperature shifts (negative temps to 60 degrees in days) we’re all bound to get something. And for me, I think the time has come. I have the dreaded “something.” It’s not the flu, it might be a cold…who knows. All I can tell you is: I feel like I’ve been run over by a truck … twice.

Loading up on Vitamin C via clementines and EmergenC, drinking as much water and tea as possible and getting some extra zs has only taken me so far. I need help. I need the mythic healing powers of chicken noodle soup. #iffoodwereasuperhero

Why does chicken noodle soup make us feel better?

* Soup has anti-inflammatory properties that helps sore throats and helps stop the movement of neutrophils (white blood cells that encourage the flow of mucus that accumulates in the lungs and nose).

* Steam is a real benefit. Sipping the hot soup and breathing in the steam helps clear up congestion (not just attributed to chicken noodle soup).

* Spices that are often added to chicken soup, such as garlic and pepper, work the same way as modern cough medicines, thinning mucus and making breathing easier.

* Chicken soup contains drug-like agents similar to those in modern cold medicines. For example, an amino acid released from chicken during cooking chemically resembles the drug acetylcysteine, prescribed for bronchitis and other respiratory problems.

* Chicken Soup puts much needed fluids back into the body.

* Plus it’s super YUMMY!

I know not everyone will want to cook when they don’t feel well (to be honest I was half awake the entire time) so I’m glad to report chicken noodle soup is chicken noodle soup is chicken noodle soup. Basically it can be homemade, store bought, from a can or from a deli. The things about chicken noodle soup that make us feel better come within the soup itself no matter where it comes from.

FYI: If you’re making soup for a sick friend or relative don’t add the noodles–just dish up the soup into a travel safe bowl (or mason jar) with the dry noodles bagged on the side. All your friend/family member has to do is heat up the soup and cook the noodles … presto: no soggy noodles!

Quick Chicken Noodle Soup

Chicken Noodle Soup Edited 620


4 chicken breasts
3 carrots, diced
3 celery stalks, diced
12 cups water
3 tbsp Better Than Bouillon
2 bay leaves
1 clove garlic, smashed
5 ounces dry pasta
1/2 -1 tsp peppercorns


Saute chicken breasts in EVOO until browned. Let cool, then shred. Set aside.

Boil 12 cups of water, add 3 tbsp of Better Than Bouillon. To broth add carrots, celery, garlic clove, peppercorns, dill, bay leaves, and parsley. Bring to a rapid boil for 10 minutes, reduce heat and simmer for 45 minutes.

Remove broth from heat and strain, catching all add-ins to broth. Return broth to heat. Return (from mesh strainer) celery and carrots, as well as the shredded chicken, to the broth and bring up to a boil.

Add pasta and cook according to directions on box.

Dish up, and let the chicken noodle soup do its job!

Stay Healthy!

chicken noodle soupchicken noodle soup remedycoldcold remedysnowpocalypsesoup
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