Meet Emily from This Rawsome Vegan Life

“Eat Raw. Live Long. Be Sexy.” is This Rawsome Vegan Life food blog creator Emily von Euw’s motto. She’s fun, passionate, and her recipes are not only healthy, but they are simply delicious and vegan! You don’t have to take our word for it… she’s also the winner of The Vegan Women’s 2013 Vegan Food Blog. With great photos and even better recipes, not only will you be inspired but your jaws will drop as you plan which recipe to try next!

Meet the girl who has you drooling, Emily

IMG_4293Ahoy, sexy (hopefully you’ve seen Frances Ha so you’ll get that reference). My name is Emily von Euw – call me Em – I’ve been living on this planet for 20 years so far, and my habitat has been Vancouver, BC, Canada. It’s a pretty fantastic part of the world. I am the creator of the food blog This Rawsome Vegan Life… which apparently people like to read! I went vegan when I was 16 and never looked back. I love making food and eating food. Specifically: raw chocolate, avocados and green juice. I am in an unofficial marriage with my record player. I hug trees. I listen to Wu-Tang. I have 5″ platform wedge boots, but I also love bein’ barefoot. I’m a bit of weird one, as people have told me all my life, and I like it that way (I know I look normal in my photo but trust me, it’s a lie). I’m currently going to university to expand my views on just about everything from human geography to gender studies to history to philosophy. I’m probably going to major in the history of sexuality because it’s infinitely fascinating and relevant.

SLM: What made you become a vegan?

It seems to be the intelligent choice to me; it is what works best for my body and it is also a sustainable choice for the earth as well as a compassionate one for my animal friends.

SLM: Did you find it challenging incorporating raw foods into your diet at first?

Nope! It’s really easy as long as you live in areas where an abundance of raw food is available. Just add more fruit, smoothies, raw soups, and salads! If you want to have fun and get creative with it, try making fancier recipes like raw pizza, lasagna, burgers, etc. and desserts like raw “cheesecake,” coconut ice cream, pudding, pies, etc. – you can find recipe for these things on my blog or the interweb in general. Google it yo.

SLM: Do you have a particular ingredient that you absolutely love to incorporate into your recipes?

Coconut oil! It’s like the butter of the raw vegan world… but it tastes better, is excellent for you and your entire body, and doesn’t come from the tits of another species. Everyone wins.

SLM: With your new cookbook coming out, what other plans do you have for the future?

Yes! My brand new cookbook is called and it is filled with 100 raw vegan dessert recipes and full color photos, as well as all the basic info you need to know about raw food! You can buy it pretty much wherever books are sold (Amazon, Indigo, Barnes & Noble, Books A Million, The Book Depository, Indie Bound, etc.)

I am writing my second book right now! It is going to be all about juices, smoothies and healthy snack and energy bars. Besides that, I am working hard to make my blog and recipes better than ever. I just got a new camera and have a looong list of recipes to make (mostly suggestions from readers, family and friends). I am also spending time connecting with local vegan/eco-focused companies and building relationships there. I plan to do some workshops and demos in Vancouver very soon and possibly travel to Montreal… we shall see. For the farther-off future, I plan to visit South America and possibly hang out there for a long period of time. I need that sunshine and mango kingdom! I keep dreaming of taking care of a pig so maybe that will happen. It’s a really exciting time for me because I’m beginning to realize my future can be whatever I want it to be. I am looking forward to collaborating with inspiring people (happening right now!), creating new projects and helpful resources for my readers, and just enjoying life more and more! Each day is a blessing!

A recipe made by Emily for Sweet Lemon Readers:


Strawberry & Chocolate Buttercream Tart


1 cup almonds

1 cup dates 

Chocolate buttercream:

1 cup dates

3/4 cup water

Juice from 1 lemon

1/4 cup cacao powder

2 tablespoon cashew butter

2 tablespoons coconut oil

2 tablespoons maple syrup

1 teaspoon vanilla extract

Pinch of salt


Sliced strawberries 

Mint leaves


To make the crust: pulse the almonds into flour in a food processor. Add the dates and process until they stick together. Press into the bottom and up the side of a lined spring form pan or tart molds.

To make the buttercream: blend all the ingredients until smooth. Refrigerate overnight so it can develop those magical flavors, then spread evenly into your crust. Top off with strawberries and mint.

Enjoy the !#$% out of it.



Featured Images and Recipe Courtesy of Emily von Euw

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  • I’m so excited about Emily’s book! I’ve been a huge fan of hers for years, it’s wonderful to see how far she’s come.

  • Reply March 1, 2014

    That looks delicious! Now, I’ll have to add more raw food into my diet. I’m not sure if I can complete that leap.