Homemade Hot Cocoa With Frozen Peppermint Whip

Marshmallows have exactly two purposes in life: to be between a hunk of chocolate and a graham cracker or mixed with Rice Krispies. They do not belong on top of sweet potato casserole, nor do they belong in Jello salad, they certainly don’t have any reason to be in cereal, and they most certainly DO NOT belong in hot cocoa. If you can’t tell, I have strong feelings about marshmallows: as in I really don’t like them. #yuck

(I love me some Dean Martin. Even if he is singing about marshmallows.)

So, what’s a girl to do if she loathes marshmallows but is looking for something yummy to put in her hot cocoa that won’t break the calorie bank? Take a page from my favorite summer treat and make frozen peppermint whip! Ditch the marshmallow – embrace the whip!

Frozen Peppermint Whip



1 cup Cool Whip Free; softened (or your favorite frozen topping)
1/2 teaspoon mint extract


  1. Combine approximately 1 cup Cool Whip with 1/2 teaspoon mint extract (or more if you’d like a stronger peppermint flavor).
  2. Put Cool Whip mixture in two ramekins and refreeze. Or if you’re making a larger amount you can use a larger dish.
  3. Once frozen you can either: use a cookie cutter to make fun shapes (like a star or heart) or you can cut squares.
  4. Add one piece (or more) of frozen peppermint whip to a cup of hot cocoa and sip your way into bliss.

By Carin Thumm

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