Dinner with a Kick

Dinner With A Kick

Last night, I made one of the most delicious new dishes for dinner. As soon as I took a bite, I knew that I had to share it with all of you, so share I will! Allow me to introduce you to the most tasty homemade Spicy Thai Noodles you’ll ever taste. First of all, I would like to apologize for not snapping any original pictures. I had dinner at around five and hadn’t eaten since seven that morning, so I was pretty ravenous. With that being said, this is, hands down, one of my new favorite meals, and it’s going to be a go-to weeknight dinner from now on.

One of my biggest cooking flaws is that I neglect to read the entire recipe. I’ll see a photo, think to myself, ‘Yeah, that looks yummy,’ then round up the ingredients and go to town. As a result, it wasn’t until I got to the end of this recipe before I realized that the noodles need to sit in the refrigerator overnight. I read that tiny detail and thought, ‘Yep….no’ and served them hot. I’m not positive how these glorious noodles taste after sitting overnight, but I can tell you that they were perfection right off the stove.
I like things spicy, so I added more crushed pepper than the recipe calls for, and I also added some spicy Szechuan sauce to the final product. Also, I didn’t have green onion and used red onion, instead. I omitted the peanuts and sesame seeds, because I didn’t have those either, but the next time, I’ll be sure to add them in. Mine was the perfect balance between sweet flavors and those with a little kick. (If you don’t like the spice, PLEASE go easy on the red pepper flakes.) Another huge plus – if you serve it hot, like I did, it takes no time at all to make. It’s basically about warming everything up and throwing it together. How easy is that to do after a long day at work? I had a side of broccoli sautéed in a little oil and rice vinegar with some spicy garlic paste. Delicious!
Here’s what you’ll need:
  • 1 box linguine or angel hair pasta (I prefer angel hair.)
  • 1-2 TBSP. crushed red pepper
  • ¼ cup vegetable oil
  • ½ cup sesame oil
  • 6 TBSP honey
  • 6 TBSP soy sauce
  • For garnish: green onion, peanuts, cilantro, and sesame seeds
  1. And here’s what to do:
  2. Boil noodles. Drain.
  3. Chop green onion, cilantro, and peanuts.
  4. Heat both oils and crushed red pepper over medium heat in a small pan.
  5. Strain out pepper and reserve oil.
  6. To oil, whisk in honey and soy sauce.
  7. Toss mixture with noodles.
  8. Refrigerate overnight or until very cold. (Or serve hot, like yours truly.)
  9. Top with garnish, and enjoy!
You. Are. Welcome.
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