Dark Chocolate Granola Bites

It may officially be fall, but I don’t think anyone told Mother Nature … at least not in my neck of the woods. Yes, it is cooler – but 85 degrees is not fall weather. I’m ready for scarves and sweaters, not to mention boots and lattes. At some point the weather in The Lou will catch up with my vision of fall. Until then, I will trick myself by making fall-ish foods (ps - I am LOVING this recipe from Sarah Kehoe!).

The most obvious choice for fall food is pumpkin (have you noticed how “in” pumpkin is this fall – it’s everywhere – totally not complaining, btw) but my other favorite thing that just screams fall to me is dried cranberries. In salads. In pasta. By the handful. And now in some of the most yummy “candy” I’ve ever made; not to mention some of the healthiest treats as well. I mean, hello, it’s loaded with antioxidants from the dark chocolate, protein from the nuts and sheer deliciousness to boot! These little bites of delishare sweeter than I expected, and one little disk is plenty, but I’m not gonna lie – I had two. #yum

What is your favorite non-pumpkin fall treat?

Dark Chocolate Granola Disks 620Dark Chocolate Granola Bites

Adapted from 


2 Tbsp dark chocolate chips

6 unsalted almonds
12 dried cranberries

1-2 Tbsp your favorite granola



Melt chocolate chips in the microwave – melt in 30 second bursts as you don’t want to burn the chocolate.

Using a spoon, create 6 circular disks on wax paper. Add toppings (1 almond, 2 dried cranberries, and a small amount of granola).Place flat in fridge to speed hardening. Store in an air-tight container in the fridge (you can try not storing in the fridge – but I found that the chocolate got soft that way).

Happy Fall!


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1 Comment

  • Reply October 2, 2013

    Katrina Manning

    These look like bites of heaven!