Classic Cranberry-Orange Scones

Autumn is the perfect time to spend a cozy afternoon curled up with a cup of tea and a favorite book.  Scones are to tea as cookies are to milk: a perfect pair.  While making scones might seem like it takes a lot of kitchen know-how, it’s actually pretty easy (though no less impressive).  Tie on your cutest apron, scrub your hands clean, and get ready to bake!

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- Large mixing bowl

- Liquid measuring cup, preferably 2 cups in volume

- Set of dry measuring cups, ranging from ¼ cup to 1 cup

- Set of dry measuring spoons, ranging from ½ tablespoon to 1 tablespoon

- Box or microplane grater

- Whisk

- Fork

- Cup or mug

- Tablespoon

- Cookie sheet

- Parchment paper

- Pastry brush

- Wire rack


- 2 cups of all-purpose flour

- ¼ cup of granulated (white) sugar

- 4 teaspoons of baking powder

- ½ teaspoon of salt

- ½ cup of cold butter, cubed

- ¼ cup of dried cranberries

- Grated (peel) zest of ½ an orange

- 1 egg

- ¾ cup of milk

Ready, set, bake!

1)  Preheat your oven to 425°F.  Set your cookie sheet on top of a piece of parchment paper and trim the parchment paper to fit the cookie sheet.  Line the cookie sheet with the trimmed parchment paper and set the cookie sheet aside.

2)  Combine the flour, sugar, baking powder, and salt in your large bowl.  Whisk them together until they’re thoroughly blended.

3)  Add the cubed butter to the dry ingredients.  Using your fingers, mix the butter into the flour until the mixture looks like crumbs.  (See below.)  Tip:  This will only work if the butter is cold.

4)  Stir the cranberries and orange zest into the dry mixture.

5)  In your liquid measure, beat the egg with your fork, add enough milk to top the liquid up to one cup and stir.  Pour 2 tablespoons of the mixture into your glass or mug and set it aside.  Tip:  Crack the egg on a plate or another flat surface.  It will help to keep any little bits of shell out of the liquid mixture.

6)  Make a well in the dry mixture and pour the liquid mixture into it.  Stir the batter together with a fork until the dough just comes together.  Tip:  All the ingredients should be damp and blended.

7)  Drop by heaping tablespoon onto the parchment lined cookie sheet, leaving room for your scones to expand as they cook.  Brush them with the reserved liquid mixture.

Ready to bake

8)  Bake in pre-heated oven until the scones are GBD (golden-brown delicious), about 14 minutes, turning the cookie sheet at the halfway mark.  Cool on the cookie sheet for 3 minutes, then on a wire rack until totally cooled.  Tip:  When fully cooked, scones should spring back when gently pressed with a fingertip.

[Insert pic: Cooling scones]

9)  Serve with butter or jam and a cup of your favorite tea!

Yield:  Between 7 and 10 scones.

Recipe adapted from Canadian Living.

By Ally Stuart

cranberry orangescones
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  • Reply October 23, 2013

    Frances Stuart

    Sounds delicious. Maybe some thick creamy clotted cream on top too.

  • Reply October 23, 2013

    Katrina Manning

    Mmm…clotted cream and these? I’m in!

  • Reply November 5, 2013

    Carin Thumm

    These sound great! Can’t wait to have an excuse to make them. Yum!