I Canceled My Cable; Now What?


A lot of things brought me to the moment where I finally pulled the plug on my cable provider. The decision took more thought than I expected, but in the end I like to think of canceling my cable as a three pronged approach to liberating my time and money.

  • Television is the ultimate time suck. Has anyone else ever fallen down the rabbit hole, only to be spit out when it’s time to go to bed? Poof: the evening is gone. Television did that to me more than I’d like to admit. I got sucked into watching things I wouldn’t normally deign to; case and point: Duck Dynasty (confession: I’m a lil’ bit in love with this show). Suddenly gone are my aspirations to work on my writing, paint that new canvas, work on a new blog post, and/or re-organize the kitchen cabinets.
  • I hate paying for channels I will never watch. Every couple of months I have what I like to call fiscal meltdowns. Usually they occur during my “rough” months of December/January and May/June (not sure what it is about these months, but I ALWAYS spend more money); I get overly concerned about expenditures v.s. savings and put a stop to all “non-essential” spending. The latest fiscal meltdown brought me to the conclusion that I don’t like paying for the fishing and classic golf channel (really, what is the point in watching the PGA finals from 1984?). If I had my way, we could simply buy the channels we wanted … this, however, will never come to pass; but if it does, consider me in.
  • To watch (insert current cable obsession) I will have to sweat. This is where canceling my cable will hopefully help create better habits; if I want to watch Shahs of Sunset, Justified, or Bunheads (or anything else) I have to take my butt to the gym. Each machine has a personal mini television and they gym has cable … so my cardiovascular health (and my wallet) will thank me for canceling my cable.
Here’s to not having cable in 2013!
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