Cents and Sensibility: Jane Austen on a British Banknote

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Other than Queen Elizabeth II, English prison reformer Elizabeth Fry is the only female to grace the front of a British banknote. There has been recent talk of adding additional women into the mix. Currently, Charles Darwin is the central figure on the ten pound note, but in a few years, that spot will be taken by none other than Jane Austen!

What Sweet Lemon reader doesn’t love a good Austen novel?! The marriage plots, the heart break, the twists and turns – and not to mention the Regency era decorum. I think we’ve all dreamed of spending a bit of time in one of these Austen stories.  An accomplished author with works making it onto almost anyone’s must-read classics list is surely deserving of this honour!

The amount of successful exposure that women have recently been enjoying in the media is inspiring. From the success of Women in the World Foundation and their Women of the Week to the Lean In phenomenon and the success of organisations such as Levo League, women are coming together, moving forward, and standing out! We should all be encouraged and inspired by this advancement and allow it to help us shape and propel our own works and goals!

Cheers to Jane Austen – not only for helping women in our leap forward but also for allowing us an escape back in time, as well!

By Amber Lee Rosenzweig

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