Fall in Love with Plaid

If you’ve done any clothing shopping lately, you’ve probably noticed that any and all retailers have said, “So long, summer,” and, “Helloooo, fall!” And while many of us have looked forward to switching our flip flops and tanks for cozy sweaters and combat boots, others still dread one fall fashion essential: plaid.

For those of you who are a bit apprehensive of it, start out small and don’t overdo it. Try plaid accessories, first. Think: heels, backpacks and purses. A little goes a long way when comes to sprucing up your style!

For the bold and daring, have fun with it! Try plaid pants or a cute plaid button down with a faux leather skirt. Don’t overdo it, though! There’s a fine line between just right and too much.

How do you feel about plaid? Yay or nay? Leave your response in the comments. Happy styling!

By Tiffany Schoolfield

fall fashionplaid
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