Do The Twist

There are a few things that I expect out of every summer – fireworks, hotdogs on the grill, and fireflies (catch and release policy, of course), just to name a few. I love the opportunity to break away from my jean and sweater wardrobe of the winter and twirl around in those beautiful sundresses that the cold months force me to neglect. And what comes along with fun dresses? Fun accessories. I decided to turn myself into a bracelet-making machine this season, and it changed my idea of all things accessories. I love a beautifully crafted piece of jewelry, just like the next fashion-obsessed woman, but when you don’t have the cash to burn, why not make your own?

Do The Twist

A ball of hemp goes a long way, and it’s easy on the pocket book, as well as the environment. My afternoons are often spent twisting and weaving hemp together, molding wire to fit my wrist, or lacing twine through buttons with floral or vintage-esque patterns. With a quick Pinterest search, you can find endless ideas for DIY jewelry.

Do The Twist

My personal favorite is the traditional square knot, and I use this with multiple colors of hemp, twine, or string, color coordinating by the outfit. I have multiple patterns and designs creeping their way up my arms, on any given day, and my favorite part is that most of my family members have their very own that I’ve passed on to them. You’ve got to spread the love, people. Not to mention that the “stacking” trend is holding strong, so it’s totally acceptable to have bracelets up to your elbows. Don’t be surprised, though, if your collection starts to dwindle. People have a tendency to ask for whatever is on your wrist, at the time, and do you remember that part about spreading love? Yes, it’s very important, so I usually just end up giving them away.

Do The Twist

All you need to do is look around your house for inspiration. Start saving your pop tabs, and lace them together with pretty ribbon. Recycling never looked so fashionable, and it’s a great conversation starter. Pretty soon, you’ll be crafting necklaces, rings, and anklets.

SweetLemonMag_Wire and button

The possibilities are endless, ladies, and there’s nothing like flaunting a one-of-a-kind piece of jewelry that you’ve put your own time into. It’s time to take accessorizing into your own hands, so create and stack, away!


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