News + Technology

Producers chatting beforehand on the set of Al-Jazeera's America Tonight.

A Recap on the #SyriaTownHall

Al-Jazeera America’s flagship show “America Tonight” took to the people of Washington Tuesday night with a town hall that also included a panel of high-profile experts…

{Image via}

Deaf Democracy?

I was wondering earlier today whether or not a call to my US Senators Saxby Chambliss and Johnny Isakson would do anything to deter…


Can Individual App Developers Succeed in Today’s Market?

Are you dreaming of creating an app that reaches the success of Angry Birds, Fruit Ninja, or Candy Crush Saga? If so, you’re going…


Pro-Obama super PAC positions itself to support Clinton

The recent news that pro-Obama super PAC, Priorities USA Action is positioning itself to become the main independent group funding a presidential media campaign…