News + Technology

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Senator Kirsten Gillibrand ‘leans in’ with a new book deal

The theme of leaning in is set to continue, particularly with the news that Senator Kirsten Gillibrand has a new book deal with Ballantine…


NCAA: Dreamcatchers

One would think the goal of colleges and universities around the country would be to cultivate a student-body that will flourish after graduation. However,…


5 Apps That You’ll Soon Love More Than Instagram

Getting a little bored with Instagram? Are your friends not updating their Twitter fast enough? Well, it looks like you’re in need of some…

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Capturing What We Can’t Control

  For those of us who have been swept away in the magic of the orca, also known as the killer whale, it’s hard…

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Authentic Inspiration

“Be creative. Be audacious. Do not be afraid.” Words you might expect to hear from a TED talk rather than Pope Francis, the newly elected…

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Über Cool, Über Cab

Last week sitting amongst my friends in DC, I mentioned, “Does anyone actually use Uber?” The taxi app had a lot of press, but…