News + Technology


Social Media Round-Up

Your responses to our new look have been completely overwhelming! Here are few tweets that tickled us pink. Keep up the #LemonLove, and maybe…

The Skimm

My Morning Skimm

I’m a very routine-oriented person during the week, especially in the morning. I like to sleep in as long as possible, get ready quickly,…

Social Media Blues

Beating the Social Media Blues

Lately I’ve been reading about social media and its ability to spark a case of the blues. I even heard Hoda Kotb on The…

Fashion Vine

Fashion Through the Vine

When a photo just isn’t enough…now comes snapshot video! Thanks to the growing presence of social media (hello Vine!), experiencing fashion week without actually…

I attended my first Twitter chat with @nycprgirls in October and loved connecting with PR professionals from around the country. While I recap client…


Second Semester Blues: There’s An App For That!

Starting back to school after nearly a month long break can be difficult. The thought of sitting in a classroom all day sounds miserable,…

RedStamp App

The Modern Lady’s App- RedStamp

To my etiquette loving, snail mailing sending readers- I’m about to blow your mind. We all play fun games on our iPhones and utilize…